Services for contractors
- Analysis of the tender documentation, including the Terms of Reference (SWIZ), description of the subject of the contract (OPZ) and the specimen contract, with regard to compliance with the Public Procurement Law and possible risks related to the execution of the contract
- Advising on the preparation of questions to the Terms of Reference, advising on the preparation of a tender or application for admission to the procedure
- Preparation of contractors’ remedies
- Representation of the contractor in proceedings before the National Appeals Chamber and before common courts
- Advising on contract execution and disputes with the Contracting Entity
Services for Contracting Entities
- Assistance in selecting the most favourable procedure for the Contracting Entity
- Preparation and revision of tender documentation, especially on compliance with the Public Procurement Law
- Drafting of letters to contractors and answers to questions to the Terms of Reference
- Drafting of replies to appeals and representation before the National Appeals Chamber and before common court
- Providing training for both Contractors and Contracting Entities
- Individually tailored training topics and programmes
- Training and legal alerts on changes in the law